Trying to get just the right placement with my ice tool.
In the process of raising my feet for better placement, then will start swinging again.
While I was in Bozeman Ali went to Poky to see our niece, Kyrra, get baptized. She had a grand old time seeing family, running with Ben, and making ginger bread houses. We were reunited on Sunday at 5:13 pm, it was wonderful. Although I was sick at this point so Ali was rather upset at me because I wouldn't let her kiss me (you all know how she is about kissing, just imagine trying to take away a honey comb from a beehive while the bee's are still living there). Yea, needless to say, I got down on my knees right then and started praying that she wouldn't leave me. I didn't get up until Wednesday, when I was better. She had pitty on me, I'm healing now and so is our relationship.
This is finals week; exciting and scary at the same time. We're just looking forward to next week and hoping for the best. Speaking of finals, I've got to go take one. Tune in next time for " All hell breaks loose when Ali finds out we ran out of ice cream!"