Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another update from us

This update tells the story after Ali's birthday where we went to a love dance and took a stunning photo. Then I went ice climbing for the first time this year in Bozeman. It was great fun and a little humbling. Good to be back with my friends and back on the ice. This update concludes with a stunning photo of our family (especially Ali and Anson).
Thursday the 18th Anson turned 6 months old. Wow, he is getting big! He weighs 13 pounds and is 23 inches tall. He isn't very big compared to other six month olds, but compared to his birth size, 4lbs 11oz and 17 in, he is growing like a weed! Our family has been sick with colds for the past few weeks, especially Anson.

A lead on w/i 3 in Hylite Canyon

A stunning photo of Ali in a poka dot dress, way to represent the Call kids.

Just looking swave coming home from church.

1 comment:

Family Fun said...

This is Kimberly Coates and I miss you. You were here one minute and then gone. I did not even know to say good-bye. Miss talking with you. You are an AWESOME person it was fun getting to know you. Hope everything is good.:)

El Cancun Trip

The Baby Show